Baking Bread with Children, 詩書坊


Baking Bread with Children

Baking Bread with Children
Warren Lee Cohen is director of the Foundation Studies program at Emerson College in England. He teaches courses on inner development and on the arts and sciences. During his years of experience in practicing and teaching meditation, he has explored many paths, including Judaism, Hatha Yoga, Tibetan Buddhism, and especially Anthroposophy. He is the author of the picture book Dragon Baked Bread and Baking Bread with Children.

Tom Herbert is Director of the award-winning Hobbs House Bakery, located in the medieval market town of Chipping Sodbury, Gloucestershire, UK. Their website is
出版社  Floris Books

"Baking Bread with Children is sure to nourish body, mind, and spirit, awakening our innate capacity to live life fully and expressively." —Edward Espe Brown, author, The Tassajara Bread Book

"Baking bread at home with children is a wonderful thing to do. This delightful book provides the ideal guidelines and inspiration. I strongly recommend it!" —Mollie Katzen, author, Moosewood Cookbook

"This book is irresistible! Warren Lee Cohen offers insights into the place that bread making can have in a child's life and encourages us to find meaning and care in our baking." —Jade Bashford, Soil Association
A hearty loaf of home-baked breadWith a little know-how, anyone can transform a few basic ingredients into a delicious, sustaining loaf of bread. Baking Bread with Children has everything you need to share the magic of baking with children of all ages. The techniques and recipes are cleverly seasoned with stories, songs (with music), and poems that make the whole process truly enjoyable for everyone.

Included are instructions for building and using a bread oven, baking projects for kindergarten and school, and useful information on nutrition.

Baking Bread with Children is a great resource for all parents of young children and early-education teachers.

  1. What Baking Bread Brings to Children
  2. Bread Stories
  3. Tips and Ingredients
  4. Recipes
    • Fun Breads
    • Festive Breads
    • Quick Breads
    • Sourdough Breads
    • Leftover Bread
  5. Songs, Poems, and Blessings to Celebrate Bread
  6. Bread Projects and Educational Activities
    • Building a Bread Oven
    • Bakery and Farm Visit
    • Secret Message Buns
    • Sculptures and Decorations
    • Baking Challenges
  7. Enlivening the Senses—Teaching with Bread
  8. Baking at School
  9. Seven Grains and Nutrition
  10. Factory-made Bread—Wheat Sensitivities, Allergies, and Coeliac Disease
  11. Author's Bread Biography
  12. Appendix: The Benefits of Organic and Biodynamic Food
  13. Bibliography, Useful Websites, and Index


頁數 128 pages
ISBN: 9781903458600

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