A Practical Guide to Curative Education, 詩書坊


A Practical Guide to Curative Education

A Practical Guide to Curative Education

Sharon Elliott and Carrie Ferguson


The last two decades have seen a significant rise in the number of children being

diagnosed with mental and behavioral disorders.

As yet there is no definitive consensus as to why these disorders are so prevalent

in children today, and what this indicates about the world in which we live.

Parents and educators now faced with challenges they did not foresee are often ill-equipped to address them.

At the heart of Waldorf Education lies an approach that seeks to meet

each individual child on his or her own terms, and yet the new and greater

challenges presented by many children today lie outside the traditional

training of most teachers. Drawing on the ideas of Rudolf Steiner’s pioneering

Curative Education Course, this book goes back to basics and examines

the potential benefits of his unique educational approach in today’s classrooms.

Robyn Brown, an experienced teacher, has found that it can lead to calmer,

more productive learning spaces and children who develop into well-rounded individuals,

ready to become responsible and creative citizens.

At a time when even longtime experienced educators are struck

by how the dynamics of their classrooms have changed,

this is a much needed reminder of a tried and tested approach

that can work for every child, and ultimately for our society.

頁數 139頁


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