Mystery of the Universe, 詩書坊


Mystery of the Universe

Mystery of the Universe

The Human Being, Image of Creation (CW 201)

Rudolf Steiner
Introduction by Gilbert Childs
Translated by George Adams and Mary Adams
Revised by Matthew Barton

16 Lectures, Dornach, April 9 – May 16, 1920 (CW 201)

What is the ultimate secret of the universe? In these eloquent
lectures, Steiner describes the human being as the model of
creation and the primary focus of the cosmos. He talks
extensively of our intimate connection with the constellation
of cosmic forces, the zodiac, and the planets.

The ancient Mystery traditions called individuals to "know thyself!"
Rudolf Steiner tells us that this maxim does not ask us to
subjectively study our own personal character but to understand
our true, archetypal human nature and our decisive place in the
universe. As human beings, we will progress and evolve in a real
sense only by understanding our human nature and the surrounding
spiritual forces - as microcosms within the greater macrocosm.

This book contributes significantly to the development of the
contemporary spiritual science of the human being.

This volume is a translation from German of Der Mensch in
Zusammenhang mit dem Kosmos 1: Entsprechung zwischen Mikrokosmos und Makrokosmos Der Mensch - Eine Heiroglype des Weltenalls
 (GA 201).
A previous edition was published as Man: Hieroglyph of the Universe. 



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