Enlarge Physical Education and Movement in Waldorf Schools Enlar, 詩書坊


Enlarge Physical Education and Movement in Waldorf Schools Enlar

Enlarge Physical Education and Movement in Waldorf Schools Enlar
作者 Edited by Gerlinde Idler and Lutz Gerding
Translated by Geoff Hunter
The Waldorf school curriculum was developed to nurture 
the healthy development of the child, not only in mind but
 in body and spirit as well. Physical education and movement
 form an integral part of this holistic approach, encouraging 
children to be active not just for the sake of activity, but in 
order to experience themselves through meaningful movement
 and to form a stronger connection with the world around them.

This indispensable book for teachers—the most comprehensive
of its kind available in English—provides a wealth of practical
insights on teaching physical education and movement in
Waldorf Schools. It includes:

  • Practical suggestions for games and exercises to teach
    a range of activities such as athletics, archery, climbing,
    gymnastics, dance, swimming and sailing. More than thirty
    sample lessons providing inspiration and quick, easy reference
    for activities for Classes 1–12.
  • Exercises designed to suit different developmental stages:
    from simple, storytelling games for young children to more
    complex, demanding exercises for older pupils.
  • Essays from teachers with decades of experience, exploring
    the value of physical education in Waldorf schools and how
    its emphasis on individual progress and co-operation over
    competition helps build pupils' confidence and self-belief.
  • Suggestions of which Bothmer Movement exercises are best
    suited for different classes, based on an awareness of the
    laws of movement that underpin each age group. 
  • Practical advice on how teachers can adapt content covered
    in other subjects to create a more unified learning experience
    for pupils—for example, organizing their own Olympic Games
    to complement teaching about ancient Greece in history lessons.
  • 250 inspiring color photographs illustrating a variety of activities.

This is an invaluable resource that provides both a wealth of practical
ideas and a thoughtful consideration of physical education and
movement that will give Steiner-Waldorf teachers confidence in
preparing and delivering lessons.

備註  ISBN :9781782507147
1 x 枕頭娃娃材料包(H-083)
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1 x 蝶谷巴特拼貼材料包-筆袋款
1 x 特價-6色天然水彩
1 x 華德福教育的本質
1 x 棕色竹節手工拼布包
1 x 藍染花布燈籠包
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1 x 彈性布(臉布)-膚色(Blush)(五碼)
1 x 特價品Aunt Green, Aunt Brown & Aunt Lavender
1 x [二手]我的雅致小扁包
1 x [二手]麻球玩布日記
1 x Why Children Don't Listen--缺頁出清
1 x [二手]快樂新父母(錄音帶)-信誼教育基金會出版
1 x 媽媽木人(Angel Peg Doll)W-002
1 x [二手新書]Cotton Life x2本
1 x An Illustrated Treasury of Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales
1 x The Golden Key
1 x 植物研究手冊(BC-189)(繁體)
1 x Angel
1 x 彈性布(臉布)-蜜桃色(半碼)
1 x A Second Classroom: Parent-Teacher Relationships in a Waldorf Sc
1 x Cinderella
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1 x 優律司美作為可視的歌唱(BC-173)(簡體書)
1 x Ancient Rome
1 x 彈弓(木製)(T-003)
1 x 彩色櫸木疊疊平衡石(20粒)(T-043)
1 x A Study Companion to An Outline of Esoteric Science
1 x A Practical Guide to Curative Education
1 x Drawing from the Book of Nature
1 x 娃娃藤籃(小)(H-142)
1 x Calendar of the Soul
1 x Cherry Blossom and Paper Planes
1 x 三年級課程教學手冊
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